Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baby Toys - Saving Mamma's Sanity

You know what I did this morning?  I ate a bowl of cereal, drank a cup of coffee, answered a phone call from my mom, went to the bathroom, had a bit more coffee, had a shower, and then answered some emails. All in the same 45 minutes. Uninterrupted.  Who's life is this?  What happened to my harried mornings with a newborn that sleeps less and less as he grows?   Let me introduce you to my new favourite toy. It swings (at 5 different speeds) and plays a variety of white noise music or some baby appropriate lullabies.  A swing that I have affectionately named "Saving Mom's Sanity Swing".   So, a few months back, in anticipation of the arrival of our little one and after the completion of our new home, my older sister was all too happy to clear out her basement of the discarded baby gear that her own children have grown out of, and send it our way. My mom cleaned it all up, and it arrived here into our basement in a heap of colourful toys, seats, springs and even short musical interludes if you kicked or moved one of the pieces by accident when you walked by.

This little gem was rescued from the baby entertainment rubble downstairs recently, and we finally figured out how to set up last night (not without the obligatory tense moments and terse words that are customary for setting up any child's toy mind you).  Anyway, Rory LOVES it. Hooray!!   Rory gets some swinging stimulation and I get a shower. Win win if you ask me.   I wonder what else is in the basement?  Truth be told, as a new mom I worry all the time about stimulating Rory enough.  His shelf life is about 20 minutes for tummy time, then we play kick and exercise with my help, he then plays in his baby seat with some attention getting toys, and NOW the piece that seems to be winning out over all - this glorious swing. He's a bit small yet, but we're making it work.  It's a happy day.


  1. let's find a way to wire it into the stereo and play the young fella some tunes

  2. Ah...the swing of neglect. A close relative of the neglectasaucer.
    Whatever did our mother's do without!
